<a href="https://smilepartnerz.com/porcelain-veneers">Porcelain Veneers</a>

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are effective solutions to gapped, crooked, chipped, cracked, discolored, or uneven teeth. They are perfect for patients who aren’t satisfied with the appearance of their teeth and smile.

<a href="https://smilepartnerz.com/root-canal-therapy">Root Canal Therapy</a>

Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is performed when a tooth decays to the point that the pulp becomes infected. Our dentists use this procedure to clear the infection and save the natural tooth.

<a href="https://smilepartnerz.com/sedation-dentistry">Sedation Dentistry</a>

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry helps patients in Wayne, New Jersey feel at ease during complex and invasive dental procedures, such as root canal therapy and tooth extraction.

<a href="https://smilepartnerz.com/teeth-whitening">Teeth Whitening</a>

Teeth Whitening

Our dentists specialize in removing stains and brightening tooth enamel with professional, in-office teeth whitening. Our treatments will give you a brighter and more confident smile.